Affiliated Fair Fees
Affiliated fairs pay two kinds of fees to participate at Regeneron ISEF. The first set of fees are Affiliation Fees, and these must be paid for the fair to affiliate with the Society. Affiliation fees are non-refundable as they support the Society’s annual management of the fair network. A detailed breakdown of affiliated fees can be found below.
The second set of fees are Registration fees that must be paid for Finalists and Official Party Members to attend Regeneron ISEF. This is a separate fee from the affiliation fee and is paid in the Spring. Affiliated Fairs are responsible for paying all expenses for all finalists and one adult in charge representing the fair at ISEF. A detailed breakdown of registration fees can be found below.
Affiliation Fees
Fairs pay a fee to affiliate with the Society for participation in the Regeneron ISEF and Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge. For the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge, the fee is $75 if the fair is not ISEF affiliated.
Affiliation fees are based on the relative size of a fair based on a range of project allocations. This is not determined by how many projects a fair has committed to sending to Regeneron ISEF, but the allocation computed historically. Please contact Society staff at to understand your allocation and to request a review. For Regeneron ISEF, the fee for a fair of an allocation of 1-3 projects will be $800. There are incremental rates for those with 4-9; 10-15; or over 15 projects allocated. Please review the full chart of fees below for specific amounts.
A $50 discount is given to fairs that affiliate by the October 14 deadline. A $100 late charge will apply to fairs that submit their affiliation fee after the December 31 payment deadline.
Affiliation Fees |
Base Fee, fairs with 1 to 3 projects | $825 |
Base Fee, fairs with 4 to 9 projects | $1325 |
Base Fee, fairs with 10 to 15 projects | $2550 |
Base Fee, fairs with 15 projects or more | $5000 |
Discount, if affiliation complete by October 14 | $50 |
Late Payment Fee, if payment not received by December 31 | $100 |
Registration Fees
Registration fees must be paid for every member of an affiliated fair’s Official Party. Registration fees for Regeneron ISEF 2025 can be found below. Fees must be paid by the payment deadline of April 30. If fees are not paid by the deadline, they must be paid onsite at Regeneron ISEF and an additional charge per registrant will be applied. Additionally, there are limits to the number of Other Official Party Members and Student Observers a fair can bring. This limit is based on the number of projects a fair is allocated. Fairs are permitted to bring Official Party over the limit, however, a higher fee will be charged for those OFP members. The limits are as follows:
- Fairs with 1, 2 or 3 projects may bring individual or team Finalists representing the projects committed, up to 3 student observers and a maximum of 6 remaining official party. (A fair must minimally have 1 Adult-in-Charge to chaperone the Finalists.)
- Fairs with 4, 5, or 6 projects may bring individual or team Finalists representing the projects committed, up to 3 student observers and a maximum of 10 remaining official party. (A fair must minimally have 1 Adult-in-Charge to chaperone the Finalists.)
- Fairs with 7, 8, or 9 projects may bring individual or team Finalists representing the projects committed, up to 3 student observers and a maximum of 15 remaining official party. (A fair must minimally have 2 Adults-in-Charge.)
- Fairs with 10 projects or more may bring individual or team Finalists representing the projects committed, up to 5 student observers and a maximum of 20 remaining official party. (A fair must minimally have 2 Adults-in-Charge.)
Registration Fees – Prior to April 30 |
Finalists and Student Observers | $375 |
Adult in Charge | $400 |
Other Official Party | $400 |
Additional Attendee Over OFP Limit | $425 |
Registration Fees – After April 30 |
Finalists and Student Observers | $400 |
Adult in Charge | $425 |
Other Official Party | $425 |
Additional Attendee Over OFP Limit | $450 |
Fee Calendar
Below are the important dates and deadlines related to fees for ISEF:
By August 31, 2024
Affiliation open
October 14, 2024
Deadline to Affiliate
December 31, 2024
Affiliation fees due
Mid-February, 2025
Registration opens for all approved affiliated fairs
April 14, 2025
Last day to hold an affiliated fair
April 30, 2025
All registration fee checks, and wire transfers must be postmarked by this date, or a late payment fee will be assessed.